Interior Design Trends 2019

Interior Design Trends 2019

No matter if you’re planning a home renovation this year or just want to keep up with trends, you have a big storm coming. 2019 is full of things that are new and things that are having a revival, and we’re here for it. Check out what’s cooking for 2019 and pick your trend champion.

Boho design

Boho is back! Okay, it might have never really disappeared, but the last real impact it had on interior design was some 10 years ago. It just couldn’t keep up with the times and it lost its recognizable freshness. However, this rich and layered look is back, much to the surprise of many. Today, Boho is on every list and in every showroom of 2019. It sure feels and looks unexpected, so if you want something that will set your home apart, this is it! Plus, Boho is very easy to introduce to every modern space and it will instantly add some whimsicality to your home. This is something we’ve been lacking lately!

Warm earthy colours

The last few years were all about cold and sterile shades, but now we want warmth. In order to make modern environments more natural, earthy colours are back. Think Australian outback—burnt oranges, warm beige and green shades that create a soothing vibe.

Midnight black

Even though white will always be popular in modern design, black is a perfect way to add contrast and size. You can add it on your walls or incorporate it through furniture and accessories. Splashing some black into your space is the easiest way to add some sophistication to your home. If you’re not a fan of black, you can check out PPG Paint’s 2019 Color of the Year called Night Watch. This moody green is a great alternative to matte black and it looks great combined with metallic elements and smooth finishes.


Ever since Pantone created Greenery and named it The Colour of the Year for 2017, we can’t get enough of plants and all things leafy. Sure, the colour green is also gaining popularity, but above all, we want plants in our homes. So, feel free to add a few pots to your interior. Plants like Silver Dollar, Chinese Money, String of Pearls, Aloe Vera or Snake Plant all have very sculpture-like qualities that go perfectly with the modern interior design.

Curvy furniture

Curvy furniture was all the rage in the ‘60s, but from then on, it got a really bad reputation. But now, curved and soft furniture can be seen in almost every salon and every furniture fair around the world. Sofas, chairs and armchairs with organic and fluid characteristics will bring us closer to nature while still staying very modern and current. Also, don’t be scared of bold furniture colours like emerald green, blue and pink. Funky colours go hand in hand with funky shapes!

Bold floors

While most trends concentrate on furniture and colours, it’s very important not to neglect some less popular design elements. Flooring has the power to completely transform your space, especially if you dare to think outside the box and let your imagination fly high. For instance, you can add some colour to your space with coloured laminate. Think wide planks of pink, purple and ivory to create a beautiful contrast with your minimalist furniture and neutral walls. If that’s a bit too daring for you, you can choose a more subtle look that’s equally beautiful. Thanks to its smart colour scheme, Diesel Living came up with flooring that creates an illusion of glow. It gives the flooring the appearance of ambient lighting that will wow everyone who enters your home.


This floor covering was very popular during the ‘70s and ‘80s, but now it’s coming back strong. Terrazzo is essentially a mixture of “debris” and cement. It consists of marble, quartz, glass and granite chips that paint a playful and abstract image in your home. Even though terrazzo was used mostly as flooring, now it found its place in countertops, walls, tables and even lamps! It has a very raw textured look (even though it’s perfectly smooth) that fits perfectly into every modern home.


Very popular in 2018 (Australians went crazy for it), concrete is still going strong

in interior design, especially in the kitchen. For instance, a concrete kitchen island is an increasingly coveted addition to any modern home, particularly the one with a very minimalist vibe. It’s certainly an unexpected and no-fuss detail, but it’s also super practical and durable. However, it’s best to include your concrete kitchen island during the home building process in order for it to fit into the space perfectly and create a coherent look. Luckily, if you hire an experienced architect from Brisbane, you’ll have no problem with realizing your vision. A good pro will create a gorgeous space that fits all your wishes, current trends and future needs.

Graphic ceilings

For years now, all the attention was aimed at the floors and walls, but not anymore! Ceilings will get as much attention as any other architectural element in 2019. For instance, some interior designers use abstract geometric patterns on the ceiling to separate the kitchen from the living room, while others use ceilings to create a focal point

in the space. This year, you can expect to see contrasting wallpaper, bold colors and elaborate patterns when you look up. Besides the aesthetic appeal, this trend also allows you to unburden your walls without creating an overly minimalist space. Your ceilings will serve as galleries!

All things eco-friendly

This is a trend that’s worth mentioning every year. It’s here to stay and it’s a trend that should remain popular for many, many years to come. During this environmental crisis, we must concentrate on interior design items and elements that are leaving minimal impact on the planet yet achieving a great aesthetic appeal. So, think energy-saving appliances, living walls and hanging gardens and reused and repurposed materials. Whatever enters your home in 2019 has to take less from the planet and serve a strong purpose in your space!

Even though 2019 has many returning trends, they still feel fresh and modern. Which trends do you think will stick and which will be forgotten next year?


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About the Publisher

Bo Kauffmann is a residential real estate agent with over 18 yrs experience in helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals.  Inducted into the REMAX Hall of Fame in 2010 and receiving the REMAX Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, Bo has sold over 500 houses and condos in the Greater Winnipeg market.  He is an accredited buyer representative (A.B.R.) and a Luxury Home Marketing Specialist.   Bo provides exceptional service to First-Time Home-Buyers, Seniors looking to downsize and Home Sellers of all ages.   He can be reached easily  By E-Mail or call/text him  Call/Text Here

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