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Paint Your Home Before Selling?

Should You Paint Your Home Before Selling?

There are a lot of different reasons to sell your property. You could be downsizing or upsizing, you could be moving to a new city or a new neighbourhood; you might decide to sell your property because doing so will be profitable and you’re looking for the best return on investment (ROI) that you can possibly get. The question of whether to paint your home before listing it is a good one, and the answer can vary substantially depending on what your goals are. 

Why Paint Your Home?

There’s a lot of practical reasons why property owners might choose to paint their home before selling it. The first is that painting your home is a relatively easy task compared to, say, renovating the bathroom. Painting your building creates an immediate visual impact; your exterior paint is likely the first thing a potential buyer is going to see. A new coat of paint is often a very good investment;  Remax data says paint has one of the best ROIs you can get with home renovation.

You’ll paint before listing, of course; you don’t want to be doing showings with a half finished paint job on your hands. Next, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of painting depending on why you’re looking to sell your property.

Paint Your Home to gain more value


You’re Moving – Soon

Whether you have a commercial or a residential property, you might suddenly need to move out of the building, and that could leave you on a tight timeframe to sell the place. Your immediate inclination might be to say that painting is a bad idea here; after all, every moment not spent selling your property moves you towards potential disaster.

There are a couple of key points to consider here. The first is to consider ROI, but with time instead of money. Let’s say it takes a day to paint the parts of your property you want to spruce up, but the day it takes to paint shaves two days off of how long it takes to sell the property – you’ve just saved a day. You can use that day to see if you can get a better offer, to prepare for the move, or to take a break from what is likely a very hectic, very full schedule.

This isn’t as unlikely a scenario as you might think. Keep in mind that a lot of folks shop for properties online before they go in person; that means your posted images need to be top notch. A good realtor will help with the staging and the posting, but they can only work with what you’ve got; a gorgeous new coat of paint can attract a lot of potential clients.

A fast paint job is what you’re looking for here; a rushed paint job is no good at all. A painting contractor like  Pinnacle Painting  will be able to do commercial or residential property painting quickly, efficiently, and beautifully, so you’ll have the aesthetics you want without losing time.

Painting your home


You Want to Make Money

As I mentioned above, painting your home is one of the best ROIs you can get from home renovation. One thing you should know is that what exactly you paint can have a pretty substantial impact. That’s not all – how these things are painted will also give wildly different results.

What do I mean by how? Obviously, a hack job isn’t going to sell as well as careful painting, but I want to delve even further. What colour you paint your door can change the value of your house by thousands of dollars. To get a better idea of what I’m talking about, check out this Forbes article on  how colour affects your home’s value. There’s a lot of data driven information about how colour affects your home’s resale value, and looking at this data can help you decide exactly what colour schemes suit your needs best. 

When you’re looking to sell your property to make money, it’s always worth considering whether or not you should hire a professional. Labour is the most cost-intensive part of any property improvement, and paint is one of the more simple DIY projects you can engage in. Ask yourself honestly: how competent a painter am I, and how long will it take me? You should always keep in mind that your time is money, and if you could be making more money doing something else in the time it would take you to paint, you might be better off hiring a professional. Do you need help with painting ideas, or selecting room colours?  You may also lack confidence in your painting skills; if the paint job looks worse after you’re done than it did before, it’s definitely a bad move. Barring those two things, painting on your own can be extraordinarily rewarding, and could increase the value of your property substantially at little cost.

Can’t paint your whole property? Focus on the areas that need the most work. Interior and exterior painting have similar ROI, so the best move is to dedicate your energy to the areas that are most likely to detract from your building’s value because the paint has deteriorated. 

Some of the benefits of painting your home include:

  1. Quicker sale of your property
  2. More money for your home

On the Subject of Aesthetics

Hopefully by now you have a good idea of whether or not painting your property before listing it is a good idea. You might be selling your building for any number of reasons; it’s worth letting your clients know where you’re going to be next. One great way of doing this is with custom print change of address cards; you can get cards that are customized to a number of different demographics, so each client has something that grabs their interest. Aesthetics are important before, during, and after the sale of a property, so they’re always good to keep in mind! 

Painting your bedroomF.A.Q. About Painting Your Home

Can you paint your home any colour?

In most areas, yes.  But if you are part of a home owners association or condominium project, you will need to check their rules.  Also, in areas where there are no rules, and just because you CAN paint your house pink, does not mean it’s advisable to do so.  It’s good to get a second opinion on paint colour choices from experts.

When is a good time to paint your house?

For exterior painting projects, painters say that the overnight temperatures should not drop below approx. 10 degrees celsius (50 F) so that the paint can dry properly.  Of course, interior jobs can be done anytime, so long as the home is heated.


Paint Your Home Before Selling? paint your homeAbout the Publisher

Bo Kauffmann is a residential real estate agent with over 18 yrs experience in helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals.  Inducted into the REMAX Hall of Fame in 2010 and receiving the REMAX Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, Bo has sold over 500 houses and condos in the Greater Winnipeg market.  He is an accredited buyer representative (A.B.R.) and a Luxury Home Marketing Specialist.   Bo provides exceptional service to First-Time Home-Buyers, Seniors looking to downsize and Home Sellers of all ages.   He can be reached easily   By E-Mail or call/text him   Call/Text Here

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