Selling your home? Make sure you’ve ticked off everything on this checklist

Checklist for selling your home


Sometimes we all fancy a change in our lives. Some people opt to look for a new career, some start a family and others look for somewhere new to live. If you plan to sell your home over the next few months, you’ll need to think long and hard to ensure you don’t overlook anything important. It can be easy to forget the little things when you have so much on your plate. That is why the checklist on this page is essential. While we won’t have time to cover everything, using this article as a guide should stand you in good stead. At the end of the day, if you don’t cover the basics, you’re only creating more work for yourself in the future.

The process of selling your home

can be stressful and very complicated. For that reason, people with enough money in the bank might like to employ the services of a specialist solicitor. That way, you will be free to relax. For everyone else, you must prepare yourself for the amount of work in store. When all’s said and done, the last thing you want is to realize you’ve overlooked something important on your moving day. That could cause serious complications.

Is all the paperwork in order?

Before you agree to an offer on your property, you’ll need to make sure all the vital paperwork is in order. You may have to pay for assessments on your property before a buyer will sign on the dotted line. Unless you have a very new property, there could be structural issues that might affect the appeal of your home. You need to know what you’re selling and provide accurate information to buyers. As we mentioned only a moment ago, a good solicitor can help you with that.

Is your home under an HOA management company?

Depending on the type of community you live within, there might be certain rules about the sale of your property. Companies like Cedar HOA management are employed by developers to help ensure all residents know and understand the rules of their community. If you discover your area is controlled by one of those firms, you must get in touch with them as soon as possible to make sure you act within standard guidelines.

Is your asking price fair?

There are lots of articles online that give you great tips for selling your home quickly. You should take some time out to read through some if you’re unsure about anything. Your asking price will be a major factor in whether or not prospective buyers make you an offer. For that reason, it needs to be fair. You don’t want to ask for too much as that will put people off. Also, you don’t want to ask for too little as you could end up with a bad deal. The best way to work out the ideal list price of your property is to arrange for a few independent evaluations. Take the figures you receive and work out the average.

So long as you can tick everything off that list, you should be in the best position to sell your home without too many issues. Just remember that dropping the price can have a positive impact on the amount of offers you receive. Don’t drop it too low though as you still want to make a profit.

About the Publisher

Bo Kauffmann is a residential real estate agent with over 18 yrs experience in helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals.  Inducted into the REMAX Hall of Fame in 2010 and receiving the REMAX Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, Bo has sold over 500 houses and condos in the Greater Winnipeg market.  He is an accredited buyer representative (A.B.R.) and a Luxury Home Marketing Specialist.   Bo provides exceptional service to First-Time Home-Buyers, Seniors looking to downsize and Home Sellers of all ages.   He can be reached easily  By E-Mail or call/text him  Call/Text Here

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