6 Helpful Moving Tips To Make Your Family Move Easier

6 Moving Tips

Whether you’re relocating for a job in a city nearby or moving to another part of the country, uprooting your family can seem like a challenging task. It’s an experience that can be very disruptive for both parents and children, mostly because it can interfere with their routines and also because it takes time to adjust to new surroundings.

Then there’s also the entire moving process you’ll need to plan out thoroughly, which can include searching for storage options, looking for moving trucks, doing some research on your new location, and of course, the part of the move that takes the most time and effort – the packing process. Here are a few moving tips to help you in this stressful time.

Family enjoying time together

6 moving tips

Nevertheless, there are ways to make this transition easier for both yourself and your kids, and with thorough planning, family cooperation, and good organizational skills, the upcoming relocation can go smoothly, quickly, and hassle-free. Here are a couple of things you should cross off your family relocation checklist and make the moving process easier for you and your loved ones.

Talk about the move with the kids

First things first, you want to let your children know about your plan well in advance. They need to have enough time to adjust to the idea of living someplace else. Younger, school-age children may not be too thrilled about the idea of moving since they’ll need to change schools and make new friends, leaving their old friends behind.

Try to be patient and highlight all the advantages and benefits that come with moving to another city to spark their interest. Also, do some research on the schools as well as the neighborhood – those are the things you shouldn’t overlook.

Declutter before the move

Once the kids are on board with your decision to move houses, it’s time to start packing. Before you do so, however, you may want to get your items organized and have your home decluttered. Depending on your family moving budget, you may want to dispose of or donate some of the items you know you won’t use once you move to your new place.

You can also have a garage sale or sell things online to get some extra cash prior to the move. The fewer items you have to move the less expensive the moving process will be.

Start packing early on

Couple considering helpful moving tips

When preparing for a move, it’s easy to underestimate how time-consuming the whole packing process can be. A good rule of thumb is to start packing early on, starting with the room that requires the most time and effort to pack – usually, these will be storage areas.

Once you tackle those, you can continue towards the rooms you use on the daily. To keep things even more organized, you can come up with a packing calendar and assign certain days of the week per certain rooms (Monday – basement, Tuesday – attic, Wednesday – living room, etc.). The earlier you start the better!

DIY what you can

6 Moving Tips moving tips

When it comes to relocating, there will be things you could use professional help for. There will also be things you can tackle on your own. For instance, self-hiring a truck and doing the move yourself can be an awesome way to save some cash that you can spend on other things.

Moreover, renting a vehicle to transport your belongings means you’re in charge of the moving process, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free move. DIY-ing what you can also means freedom of doing things your way without explaining yourself to anybody, which takes a lot of pressure out of the equation.

Involve kids in the moving process

6 Moving Tips moving tips

Provided that your children are old enough to help, you should consider assigning them with some tasks. After all, packing takes a lot of time, and surely you’ll want all the help you can get during this hectic period. Have your children go through their stuff and pack only what they need and use.

They can pack their rooms and sort unwanted items in piles for donations or garage sales. Not only will you be able to get more things done, but involving your kids in the moving process will also make them feel like they’re contributing in a way.

Pack an essentials box

6 Moving Tips moving tips

When moving to a new house, it is always a good idea to pack a bag of stuff you can’t do without. The last thing you want to do on your first day in a new home is to go through hundreds of boxes in order to find your pajamas, chargers, pet food, or a coffee maker.

To prevent these unpleasantries, make sure you pack an essentials box or a bag. It should contain all the items used on the daily such as toothbrushes, everyday clothes, and toiletries, but also important documents and IDs that you can’t afford to lose.

While preparing for a family move is certainly an extensive and time-consuming process, it doesn’t have to be as stressful as many of us think. Keeping things organized, cooperating with your family members, and sticking to your plan during the preparation period is key to minimizing the stress that comes with relocating. All you have to do is follow the steps listed above to make sure everything gets done in a timely manner and you will have no trouble staying on top of things when the move-in day finally arrives.


6 Moving Tips moving tipsAbout the Publisher

Bo Kauffmann is a residential real estate agent with over 18 yrs experience in helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals.  Inducted into the REMAX Hall of Fame in 2010 and receiving the REMAX Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, Bo has sold over 500 houses and condos in the Greater Winnipeg market.  He is an accredited buyer representative (A.B.R.) and a Luxury Home Marketing Specialist.   Bo provides exceptional service to First-Time Home-Buyers, Seniors looking to downsize and Home Sellers of all ages.   He can be reached easily   By E-Mail or call/text him   Call/Text Here

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